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Toyota Motor Corporation HUD Concept Design

Toyota has a strong presence in the off-roading community. To further cement their position they plan on creating the world’s first built-in HUD specifically designed for off-roading. The augmented reality display will allow users to have a better experience off roading by allowing them to keep their eyes on the unpaved path.
UX Design Team: Freddy Castillo, Lead Designer | Lyon Huang, UX Strategist | Zulema Vera, Project Manager
toyota off road hud design
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User Research & Technology

Key Takeaways from Researching HUD designs:

  1. Current Layouts are Basic Most Only Show Speed
  2. Best Practices & Laws are Still Being Developed
  3. Concepts Designs are Beautiful but too Complicated & Cluttered
basic head up display

Key Takeaways from Surveying & Interviewing Off-Road Drivers:

  1. Drivers toolkit must include: walkie talkie, spotter (another person), GPS unit, compass, and clinometer
  2. Drivers use those tools mostly to inform them of the line, angle, and offset
  3. Off-roading is a social event drivers go on convoys with multiple off-roading vehicles
  4. Most users use their off roading vehicle as their every day car
Logan Duran
Age: 25
Occupation: Mechanic
Location: Riverside, CA

Logan is on a weekend camping trip, with 3 friends, to go off-roading. They plan on checking his car’s tire levels, oil levels, and shock health before they head to the off-roading site. Once they arrive they will double check the vehicle, then two of Logan’s friends will be outside and assist Logan as spotters. Logan’s third friend will sit shogun and help him with the line, while Logan pays attention to the line and his new Head Up Display.

ux persona
toyota starry night ux design

Low & Medium Fidelity Designs

Pen & Paper Sketches
Prioritized Features
  • Tire Orientation
  • Angle/Offset
  • Warning Indicator
  • Drive Mode
  • Gear Level
  • Compass
  • Lock Differential
  • Off-Road Navigation
lofi hud 1
low fi hud 2
low fi highest
testing toyota ux design


Key Findings from Testing paper prototype with simulated car controls

  1. Users were confused by tachometer numbers
  2. Users group same color items together even when they are not (ex. redline in tachometer does not have to be associated with a red urgent warning).
  3. Users didn’t notice animation and change in ride modes (ex. when users changed from Multi-Terrain Select and Crawl Control they didn’t notice any change in their HUD).

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